On 2008-12-18, jezZiFeR wrote:

>> I would also like to replace the english terms (like "volume",
>> "chapter", etc.) with the appropriate german terms. Daniel suggested
>> to choose a German BibTeX style, but I can=B4t figure out, how to do
>> that.

>> If your document language is german, it should be in german
>> automatically. 

> Hm, my document *is* in german as is my Lyx, but these terms are in
> English.

The bibtex language does not automatically match the document
language (because bibtex is a separate program).

If you click on the [BibTeX-erzeugtes Literaturverzeichnis] button, you
can choose the bibtex-style from a list of styles available on your

I use gerunsrt. All these ger* styles need the line

  \usepackage{bibgerm}  % Unterstützung für deutsche BibTeX styles

in the LaTeX preamble.


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