On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Adrian Diaz <aedmci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sr. Lyx
> I have been using Lyx to write my thesis. I have set up the format of the
> page with a class document: "book" and a style of page "fancy". It is
> interesting to me to know how i can manage the properties of the size and
> type of font of the headers. I mean to set up
> some properties of book class, especially headers an numbers.
> How can i know if in my computer has installed the "fancyhdr"  package?
> How can i install the "fancyhdr"  package ?
> How can i manage the "fancyhdr"  package ?
>                                   Best Adrián

The fancyhdr package is a default on most TeX distributions. If you
selected a page style of fancy and didn't receive any error messages
when viewing the pdf or dvi, you have the the fancyhdr package
installed. You can learn about the package and how to use it from its



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