
I wanted to ask if there is a more comfortable way of inserting cross-references than through the GUI ?

My problem:
Large document, hundreds of labels, their names not always perfectly descriptive. To insert a cross-reference to x at y, I have to scroll to x, see what the label is called, dialog-show-new-inset ref, click sort, _FIND_ the label, and finally insert (assuming the cursor is still at y).

Add to the context-menu of the label a command like "Insert Cross-Reference at Cursor Position", or a "Copy as Cross-Reference" (which can then be pasted at the cursor postion).

Once I see the label on screen (which I have to do anyhow because I do not know the name of the label), I do not want to have to find it in a long list again just to get a Cross-Reference to it.

Is there already a solution which I have not seen yet?
Or one of the developers feeling inspired? ;)


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