Iain Mac Donald wrote:
> > If it has middle-mouse-button support, could you try if switching
> > that off helps?
> Thanks Jürgen you got it!
> Clipman and LyX are not playing nice together. Clipman supports
> grabbing selections. If I select the Clipman option "Ignore selections"
> then the mouse selection of text in LyX works fine. The downside is
> that enabling selections is exactly the reason I use Clipman as it is
> an easy way to copy stuff between xterms and GUI apps.
> Do you know the background/issue involved here?

Not really. All we know is that these tools and LyX bump into one another. It 
might be related to the way LyX communicates with the X Clipboard. 
Interestingly, KDE's klipper, with the same functionality, does not show the 
problem, so it is probably both related to the specific way LyX deals with the 
clipboard as well as with the way Clipman/glipper query the selection.



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