Grant Jacobs wrote:
One thing that bothers me about this being a BibTeX issue, is that BibDesk writes these characters to RTF just fine. (It would tempt me to think that there might a work-around that gets this directly from BibDesk, avoiding BibTex.)

0) You have not understood the concept behind BibDesk - it's only a sophisticated frontend to the database (bib) file that bibtex uses. Try to read up on this.

1) You can enter the TeX-replacements for the special characters in the bib-file (or in Bibdesk) instead of the unicode characters.
See <>
Since you say it is mostly for European author names, this should be enough.

2) Make sure you use a recent version of BibDesk. Also, TeXLive-2008 and LyX 1.6.1 won't hurt.

3) BibDesk takes care of these characters automatically:
If I enter "åland sørenson" as author, the bib-file that Bibdesk 1.3.19 creates looks like this:

%% Created for khofbaue at 2009-01-26 15:14:23 +0100
%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8)
        Author = {s{\o}renson, {\aa}land},
        Title = {testing}}

So even though the file is saved in Unicode, Bibdesk replaces the characters by their corresponding latex macros (where possible, I assume), and everything "just works" in LyX.


P.S. Forget the path via RTF!

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