Jens Noeckel wrote:

On Jan 27, 2009, at 1:25 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

Jens Noeckel <noec...@...> writes:

yes, some of the lfun names have changed over time. For cross-
references, you now have to invoke the lengthy command "dialog-show-
new-inset ref"... In LyX 1.6.x you can find these function names by
searching in the Preferences > Editing > Shortcuts panels.

I have wondered about the same thing. At least on Mac, when
I search for
ref in the shortcuts, the only thing
coming up is reference-next, no
insert-ref. If I search on ins there are lots
of inserts (citation, quotation), but
no cross reference. Could this be a
bug in the Mac version?

Yes, I think what's happening is that I see these shortcuts in the LyX preferences on my Mac, precisely because I have already defined shortcuts for them in a custom bind file. If these "inset" lfuns aren't bound to anything, they apparently don't show up in the LyX preferences at run time... one could say that's a bug, or a missing feature.

dialog-show-new-inset shows up, but that probably isn't so helpful, since you need an argument to it: the inset name, in this case, "ref". It's probably not feasible to have shortcuts show commands with their arguments. In this particular case, there are only a few possible arguments; in other cases, though, there is no limit.


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