Hello lyx-users,

  I'm trying to use the elsevier-harv bibtex style for the preparation
  of in a elsevier journal article.
  The problem:
  I cannot have a reference style compliant to what requested by the journal
  IN THE TEXT instead of having citations like (author, year), I get things 
like (author, [number]), 
  (no way to have authors together with years changing citation styles !!!)
  IN REFERENCES I cannot get rid of numbers [n] before references...
    On the Elsevier site 
  they write that the class specifications are:
  BibTeX style files
  We have developed two BibTeX style files for journal articles:
      * BibTeX style file elsart-harv.bst for articles with Harvard style 
(author-year) references. 
        When you use this style file, you should also use the natbib package.
      * BibTeX style file elsart-num.bst for articles with numbered references.
      * BibTeX style file elsart-num-sort.bst for articles with numbered 
alphabetically sorted references.
      * BibTeX style file elsart-num-names.bst for articles with numbered 
references with a name-year label.
For the Journal I'm interested in the first style (elsart-harv) should be used.

I'm using Lyx 1.6 with MikTex2.7.
I have used:

Document > Settings > Document Class set to "article (Elsevier)"
Document > Settings > Bibliography   set to "NatBib" with Natbib style: 

In the document (Insert > List - TOC > Bibtex Bibliography): 

i pointed to a .bib file generated with JabRef 2.4.2 that begins:

% This file was created with JabRef 2.4.2.
% Encoding: Cp1252

  title = {Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications},
  publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press, New York},
  year = {1995},
  author = {Blakely, R.J.},
  owner = {Roberto},
  timestamp = {2009.02.06}

  author = {V. Chakravarthi and H.M. Raghuram and S.B. Singh},
  title = {3-D forward gravity modeling above which the density contrast varies
        continuously with depth},
  journal = {Computers \& Geosciences},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {53-57},
  owner = {Roberto},
  timestamp = {2009.02.06}

and so on (authors and year are specified for each record)

in the text (Insert > Citation...):
I tried all of the styles with no luck.

It seems to me that there is no problem in the .bib file because I got the 
right citation style using a different class (apa)
with natbib author-style and apa, apacite reference styles.

I'm new to Lyx and maybe something is wrong with my installation, 
i noticed  a lot of unavailable classes in document settings class.

What I'm doing wrong? Please Help

Thanks in advance
Best regards,


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