> I mainly use lyx to write project reports in english, but I 
> recently had
> reason to write one in swedish and had some problems with 
> writing swedish
> characters.
> Whenever I type å, ä, ö or their uppercase equivalents on the 
> keyboard, I
> get the à character instead.
> However, if I input the characters in another program, I can 
> copy/paste them
> without any problems.
> Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
> I'm using LyX 1.6.1 on Gentoo.

It might be caused by many different things...
So I am only guessing here :).

Try this:
Open a bash-shell
export LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8
Start Lyx frrom the bash-shell

Does this help?
If not, try the command xev
what does it print in the bash window 
when you type å,ä or ö?


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