Hello, I actually came across a weird bug in LyX 1.6.1. I am working in Opensuse 11.1 with the actual new KDE 4.2.1 /Ot 4.5 rc1 release of Opensuse (of today!) I'm a newbie to LaTeX and LyX and getting a little irritated.
Its as follows: since today when I type a text in german I get these ( ÃÃÃ) characters instead of these (üöä). BUt I get the correct characters when holding down the CTRL-key while typing. I think this is rather inconvenient when typing on a german keyboard configured for german (and all alanguage configurations within LyX are correctly set to "german") I haven't changed anything in the LyX or LaTeX config the last days (as far as I can remember) but didn't come acreoss this bug before. Sorry, I feel this might be a rather dumb question, but what can I do to change this ???? Thanks a lot for your help! Greets from Berlin Jörg