nckg schrieb:

I've made a LyX layout which customizes "Theorems (AMS)" module the
following way:
1) Titles of theorems are translated to Russian language

Translating stings is automatically done by LyX. The problem is that we don't have actually a Russian translation of LyX's strings:
But as you can see, we have an almost complete translation to Ukrainian. I guess you can take the Ukrainian translation and create a Russian one out of it because Ukrainian and Russian have many words in common, don't they?
Translating LyX is relatively easy:

- download the file "uk.po" from here:
- rename it to "ru.po" and open it with the program poedit:
- translate it

A more detailed description is given here:

You would help LyX a lot by translating its strings. When you are unsure or have questions, please ask on the lyx-docs and/or the lyx-devel mailing list and we'll help you.

2) Theorems, Definitions and so on are numbered separately, and each type
of these environments is numbered consecutively throughout the document...

For the other cases Richard heck knows more than me - I CCed him.

regards Uwe

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