Hi table-experts :-)

Is it possible to copy a matrix derived from R and paste directly in a
LyX table without waisting time to (re-)construct the table?

For example, I have the following 3 by 3 data

b02 0.3364205 0.5465307

b06 0.4624192 -0.1143715

b07 0.4435665 -0.2369216

Is it possible to create automatically a LyX 3 by 3 table without having
to put manually the values in the problem? Of course this example is not
the real problem. It becomes really time-waisting/tedious when the
table(s) to construct is(are) _large_, say 7 x 7 (and many).

I know there is the xtable() function in R but I want to avoid messing
with ERT's.

Kind regards, Nikos

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