Thanks a lot for your reply and the advice!

The footnote has long been deleted anyway; now I also changed all the
other lists within the document to standard format, and so got rid of
the lyxlist environment command. However, export still doesn't work...
But isn't it strange that Lyx doesn't even complain about any error or
so, but simply does not react to my export command?
Any more ideas?

I know these are all rookie questions and I'm extremely grateful that
you bother to answer them! (Of course I had browsed all forum archives
and FAQs on the planet for help before.)


> Export always used to work and still works fine with earlier versions
> the same document. Between these versions I did not add anything new I
> hadn't added before, except for one footnote.
> The preamble of the not-working version contains one paragraph of
> "textclass specific commands" that the older version does not have.

This command is added by LyX for a LyX-specific list environment. But a
list within a footnote is 
quite unusual and might be the problem. So I would check that the
footnote and its content are in 
the Standard environment and not set to be a list, section or whatever.


> User specified LaTeX commands.
> \usepackage[TS1,T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{textcomp}

You don't need these commands, LyX takes care of them automatically. (As
you can see in your posted 
code, LyX added these packages already.)

> \usepackage{ae}

This is also not needed, you can select the AE fonts via the LyX
document settings.

regards Uwe

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