Thanks very much, G\"unter. Although your minimal example did not work either (I got an error complaining that it came from another Lyx version, etc.), I discovered that by modifying your example slightly (using latin1 instead of your utf8-- see below) everything worked. I do not understand the problem, but I am happy to have a solution.




Günter G\"unter G\"{u}nter



Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jules and Doris Stein /Research to Prevent Blindness/ Professor
*The laboratory of Visual Neuroscience*
Depts. of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Physiology & Biophysics,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place
NY, NY, 10029

Guenter Milde wrote:
On 2009-04-22, E. Kaplan wrote:

   2. When trying to import a Latex file into Lyx it gagged on the
      umlauts in the Latex file ( W\"assle )

How do I get around it?

Did you try the way LyX writes Umlauts?

Yes, I tried both ways of writing umlauts, but both failed.

As you do not provide a minimal (but complete) example, I can only guess
that it is the encoding problem described below.

Here is a minimal example:




Günter G\"unter G\"{u}nter


When importing, tex2lyx works fine but the lyx2lyx step fails:

Warning: #LyX file created by tex2lyx 1.6.2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 83, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 76, in main
    doc = LyX.File(**options.__dict__)
  File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 652, in __init__
  File "/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/", line 287, in read
    line = self.input.readline().decode(self.encoding)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/encodings/", line 16, in decode
    return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 9-14: 
unsupported Unicode code range
Error: Das Konvertierungsskript ist fehlgeschlagen
/home/milde/Texte/Test/LyX/LyX16-bugs/import-umlauts.lyx stammt von einer 
anderen LyX-Version, aber das lyx2lyx-Skript konnte das Dokument nicht 

Looking at the LyX file in a text editor revealed, that \"u and \"{u} are
both converted to a latin-1 encoded ü.

Converting to UTF-8 did not help, but changing


did (of course after converting the UTF-8 encoded ü).


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