On Mon, 04 May 2009 23:47:53 +0200
Uwe Stöhr <uwesto...@web.de> wrote:

> Parul Bali schrieb:
> > This may  sound strange, but does anybody know if its possible to embed text
> > file or doc file in a PDF generated from Lyx/Latex?  I have seen facility to
> > attach documents to PDFs through  Adobe writer.  Is the same possible
> > through Lyx/Latex?
> You can convert the document that you want to include to PDF. Then you can 
> insert it via PDFpages, 
> see sec. 6.1 of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's Help menu.
> regards Uwe

for text files you can also probably abuse the listing package to include an 
external program
insert->file->child document
and change the type to program listing. Verbatim may also give you what you 

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