Maybe this will help.

A bib file is just a certain type of format, which can be saved in notepad.
Jabref opens it up an shows it to you in an easiser way.  So,

1. In Jabref, you create bib file called mylib.bib. You can save it
anywhere. So lets say you created a folder where your current lyx project is
located. Save this bib file there.

2.Go to the place in your lyx document where you want the references to be
presented (presumably, the end). Click Insert/ Lists & TOC/ BibT E X
Bibliography. Point the LyX document to that specific file, by browsing for
the mylib.bib file.

3. Click Lyx's Layout/Document setting, choose Bibliography. Here you
specify the style of citations you want.
4. Now, suppose you are writing a document and you want to cite something.
Click LyX insert/ Citation button. A menu should open and you should
see the list of reference ,

I use also zotero to collect the citations, and export it as bibtex file.


On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 2:31 AM, <> wrote:

> I just started using LyX 1.6 and JabRef 2.4 and I read here that you cannot
> push refs from Jab into Lyx in windows xp.
> Here's the strange thing (coming from a beginner's perspective), I can
> create a bibliography because there are .bib files already in the
> appropriate MiKTeX 2.7 folder that appears to be supplying Lyx with its
> database. I can also manually put my JabRef .bib into that same subdirectory
> (C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\bibtex\bib\bibtopic) and it appears in the
> dialogue box along with the others (examples that installed with Lyx).
> But, insert>citation does not show any references in my .bib, though the
> others do appear and can be inserted as citations and appear in the
> references at the end of the doc.
> There must be, at the very least,  a way to put the .bib files in the right
> directory manually?
> thnx,
> Casper de Tello

Erez Yerushalmi
PhD Student
Warwick University, UK

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