elaliberte wrote:
My University provides the > http://n2.nabble.com/file/n2955951/uocthesis.cls uocthesis.cls file for > formatting PhD theses with LaTeX. This file is based on > http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/uwthesis/
> uwthesis.cls .
> > I've followed the instructions on this > http://wiki.lyx.org/Layouts/CreatingLayouts page and created the
> following layout file:
> > > # \DeclareLaTeXClass{uocthesis}
> Input stdclass.inc

Since your class is based upon book, you'd be better off copying the book.layout file over to uocthesis.layout, and then changing the first line to what you have here.

How do I know it's based on book? Because this line:
is in the cls file.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that:

1) I put the uocthesis.cls file in usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/
2) I ran 'texhash' from the command line
3) I put my uocthesis.layout file in usr/share/lyx/layouts
4) I reconfigured Lyx

The uocthesis class appears in LyX. The problem is converting to PDF.
Thanks for your help!

I can't seem to compile it even directly. I.e., by running "latex example-thesis" from the command line. I get the same error. There's something wrong in the definition of the \titlepage macro. Anyway, if you add this line:
\Committee{Some People}
in ERT right before the \titlepage macro, then it'll work.


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