Adrian Diaz <aedmci...@...> writes:
> I want to put a figure (.jpg, eps, etc) at the top and on the left (or on
> the rigth) corner on a page,
> and below of the figure i want to write a title. Do you knonw how to do this
> in Lyx ?
> Do you know how to set the offset between the figure and the title?

Hi Adrián,

I'd do it with wrapfigure:
In the menu, go to [Insert]->[Float]->[Figure Wrap Float]
and then you do the usual like in any figure float - you can place the caption
above or below the figure...

The settings of Wrap (right click opens the menu) lets you place the figure on
the left or the right. Note that wrapfigure places the figure where you put it
and it doesn't float (unless specified)

What do you mean with 'Title'? If you mean Caption, then I cannot help you, but
if you are thinking about Figure and the main text then you can do it with an
ugly hack:
\vspace{-0.5cm} for example lets the vertical offset shrink for half a
centimeter. But I'm sure there are much more elegant ways to do it...I just
don't know them...You would include the ugly hack with: [Insert]->[Tex

p.s. the help files in Lyx has something to say about this all as well, so check
it out

Hope this helps

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