Thanks Jürgen,

\footnotesize worked wonderfully.

With your patch, however, I get the error message:

"Environment Hangparagraphs undefined."

I appened it at the end of the preamble.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot


Am Wednesday 01 July 2009 20:28:36 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> Markus Büchele wrote:
> > 1st problem: font size
> > =============
> > If I use "\begin{small}", I will only get font size 11. With {tiny} I
> > will get 6. How can I get to size 10?
> \footnotesize gives you 10pt at 12pt base size.
> > 2nd problem: indentation
> > ===============
> > How can I define a custom format with size 10 and indentation of 0.7cm
> > from line 2 on?
> With LyX 1.6: Document>Modules>Hanging. This gives you a Hanging paragraph
> style. Add this to your preamble to adjust the hanging value:
>  \IfFileExists{hanging.sty}{
>    \renewenvironment{hangparagraphs}
>      {%
>        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\parindent > 0pt}}%
>          {\setlength{\lyxhang}{\parindent}}%
>          {\setlength{\lyxhang}{0.7cm}}%
>        \par\begin{hangparas}{\lyxhang}{1}%
>      }
>      {\end{hangparas}}
>  }{%else
>    \renewenvironment{hangparagraphs}
>      {%
>        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\parindent > 0pt}}%
>          {\setlength{\lyxhang}{\parindent}}%
>          {\setlength{\lyxhang}{0.7cm}}%
>        \begin{hangparas}%
>      }
>      {\end{hangparas}}
>    \renewcommand{\hangpara}{\hangindent \lyxhang \hangafter 1 \noindent}
>    \renewenvironment{hangparas}{\setlength{\parindent}...@}
>    \everypar={\hangpara}}{\par}
>  }
> HTH,
> Jürgen

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