You may want to try Skim as a pdf reader ( ). I have used it for quite a while and am very pleased. It will allow auto reloading as well.

To hook it in, go to LyX->Preferences->File Formats and then in the drop-down box choose PDF and then in the "Viewer" box enter:
        open -a $$i

On Jul 9, 2009, at 12:58 PM, Jannick Asmus wrote:


hitting the dvi or pdf button a second time the TexShop previewer does
not refresh. I need to close the pdf window and hit the dvi button
again. How can this be amended? Is this because I have some weird

Details of the machine are:
- Mac OS X 10.5
- TexShop 2.26
- LyX 1.6.3

Thanks !!!

Best wishes,

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