
With version 1.6.3 it is easy to see what does lyx, so I would like to
mention this problem.
In math mode (CTRL M), I can type \rm and then CH, but I want a subscript,
I need to leave the rm mode while latex like: $\rm CH_3$ or $\rm CH_{3}$
Using lyx, I did not find any way to enter the same. lyx forces:
${\rm CH}_{3}$.
Is their any way to by pass this problem ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
 Department of Chemistry            |   |    Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York             |   |    Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington                         |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |    email: pd...@york.ac.uk

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