Am Friday 24 July 2009 15:14:02 schrieb Conor Quigley:
> Hello,
> I am a new user to LyX and I sometimes have trouble updating and viewing
> either the dvi or the pdf file.
> It works fine up to a point, and then for no apparent reason it will not
> update the dvi/pdf. This is happening when I am putting in my Biblography.
> Has anybody come across this before or give a possible reason for this?
> Conor.

in my experience (pdf files) it indicates an error in a particular reference 
(e.g. wrong coding). If you remove the Bibtex produced literature list at the 
end of your document and run pdf without it, and it works, it is probably 
what I suggested. 
You can check the Latex protocoll under documents or start your lyx from a 
terminal: That tells you which reference might have caused the trouble.


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