On 07/29/2009 07:19 AM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
Just out of curiosity...

Does anyone know if the current html converter that LyX uses (htlatex) makes use
or the developers plan to use the new mathTeX system
that embeds LaTeX math in html pages?

The output seems more beautiful and useful than the present method of handling
equations, converting them to png files... (at least this is what htlatex does
for me...)

I am currently working on implementing native HTML output for the next version of LyX (1.7, we now think). In the short term, we will probably do pngs, too.

The problem with mathtex, from my point of view, is that it is insufficiently general. In order to use mathtex, it has to be installed on the server. And in many ways, it isn't much better as a solution, since all mathtex does is make little images out of latex that is embedded in the src attribute of the image tag.


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