I use google mail to collect university mail and private mail.
Google has a 'label' option.
So all my LyX mail gets a lyx label, which makes it easy to manage.

I think it is the same idea as you're talking about, but I don't need the
server side as you mention...

Maybe this can help...

Best Regards,  erez

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 7:07 AM, K. Elo <mailli...@nic.fi> wrote:

> Dear list members!
> I suppose most of us are members in other mailing lists, too, and thus
> receive several mails per day from these lists. Now, several lists add a
> list identifier at the beginning of the topic (e.g. "[List] Title").
> What do you think, would such an identifier make sense for this list?
> The implementation must follow at the server side before a posting is
> forwarded to the list, but this should be quite easy to implement. If an
> identifier would be added, the topic of this mail would be e.g.
> "[Lyx-Users] Suggestion".
> Kind regards,
> Kimmo

Erez Yerushalmi
PhD Student
Warwick University, UK
homepage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/ep/pg/ecrfaw

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