On Monday 24 August 2009 17:20:23 Bjørn Liene Gundersen wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new user with LyX, have previousely been using Scientific
> Workplace (SWP). I am using LyX 1.63 for Windows with the standard
> report template. In the frontmatter dialog in Scientific Workplace I
> normally use to paste a graphic/icon topmost and divide the title on
> lines with several spaces between them. Now I am trying to do the same
> with LyX without the same luck. How can I distribute the title
> (frontmatter) over two or more lines with line spaces between them?
> and how can I place a picture topmost in the title? is that possible
> as it is with SWP? Where can I read more about customizing the
> frontmatter?

Thank you Bjørn,

You've given me the perfect opportunity to once again voice my belief that 
unlike a book's mainmatter, the frontmatter should be constructed of custom 
classes and ERT. Forget the Title class or the Maketitle macro. Pay no 
attention to what Document Class you're using. Just construct the whole 
\frontmatter manually, exactly how you want it. So the first thing in your 
document will be the graphic and then something like ~\\1in, and then a size 
and weight command, and then the first line of your title, and then \\0.5in, 
and then the second line of your title, etc. Or, if you want the title spread 
vertically down the whole page, use \vfill commands. There are a million ways 
to do it so you can have anything in your frontmatter, including your title 
page, look exactly how you want it to look.

You think you have problems? Hah! My eBooks all have a cover page that's an 
8.5x11 graphic, then in back of that page is a list of my books, then the next 
page is the title page, and in back of that my copyright page (not well 
provided for by any document class I've seen, and then more mundain stuff like 
acks and deds and "how to use this book" and of course the TOC. No problem -- 
I fingerpaint the whole thing, and I like it just that way.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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