Thank you Uwe and Mukhtar for your respones.
Lately I have been suggested to use the tool "convert" of ImageMagick after saving the Matlab figure
to solve this issue...and it works!

For everyone who has the same problem, here is little peace of matlab code to do the job
(assuming Linux and ImageMagick is installed) - feel free to use it.

e.g. save_valid_eps(gcf,'my_figure') saves the current figure to my_figure.eps

function [] = save_valid_eps(handle,name)
% saves the figure (gcf) in a valid eps format
% using "convert" from ImageMagick
% input:    handle        figure handle (e.g. gcf)
% name name of the file (maybe including the whole pathname)
% NOTE: ImageMagick is needed! (using convert

% save figure first in a temporary file
% psc2 -> colored eps

%  convert it with convert from ImageMagick
unix(['convert TEMPORARY_',name,'.eps  ',name,'.eps'])
% remove temporary eps file
unix(['rm -f TEMPORARY_',name,'.eps']);


Hauser Helmut wrote:
I have a problem with eps files produced with Matlab 7.4 (export figures to eps)
(Note: With the older versions of Matlab this did not occur)

The problem is that it is not displayed properly on the lyx screen. It looks somehow distorted and only in black and white. Interestingly in the final ps or pdf file it looks correctly.

I guess the problem is in the matlab eps export (so no lyx problem), but maybe someone has stumbled over this problem and knows a solution.



Helmut Hauser
Institute for Theoretical Computer Sciences
Technische Universitaet Graz
Inffeldgasse 16b, I
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: + 43 316 873-5821
Fax: + 43 316 873-5805

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