Piero schrieb:
Hello, this is a bit off-topic, maybe, but someone may help me.
 Anyway, I need to import data tables from MS Access queries to plain LyX 
This data should be imported with the special copy & paste tool, but I need to flip between the x and y axis, i.e. lines should become rows, and rows should become lines (roughly as if seen in a mirror standing on the page form top-left to bottom-right of it). E.G.
Which is the smartest way to do it? Thanks H.
I'm not sure how compatible Access and Excel are (as I don't know Access at all), but in Excel, you have the possibility to transpose a table. For pasting transposed in Excel, you could just right-click and select "paste contents..." (or similar, my Excel speaks german ;) and in the following dialogue check the "Transpose"-checkbox. Then all your content would be transposed and you could repaste it in Access and go your usual way to import Access Tables into LyX.
Hope that helps at least a little,


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