Sharma, Vivek schrieb:

I am using the memoir class, Lyx 1.6.4 and want to write the following:
Web sites:
University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff:

Better use a hyperlink for that. For your case there are three possibilities:

- using the long link and breaking it by inserting "\\" in the name field

- using the long link but using another name

- making the link much shorter by using

Attached is a LyX file showing the possibilities.

I have the following in the preamble:


You can delete this because LyX already takes care to load these packages when 
they are needed.

> %pdfstartview=FitH,%
> %bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=0,%
> %plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,%
> %pagebackref=true,%
> %pdftoolbar=false]{hyperref}

This can also be deleted. The hyperref settings can be set in the LyX documents settings under "PDF properties". (I've also used this in the attached LyX file.)


You can delete this because LyX already takes care to load this packages when 
it is are needed.


\makeatletter and \mekeatother is automatically inserted by LyX if needed.

regards Uwe

Attachment: newfile1.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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