On Saturday 19 September 2009 11:07:54 Stefano Franchi wrote:
> On Saturday 19 September 2009 09:42:41 am rgheck wrote:
> > > Can I
> > >
> > > a) save
> > > b) export
> > > c) edit
> > >
> > > a document in MS Word (.doc) format in LyX?
> I have to go the Word --> LyX way and viceversa often and yes, as Richard
> said, it can be done. But it is a pain. Mostly, because the doc-->tex
> converters suffer from a category error: they try to replicate the
> appearance of the original instead of its logical structure, abusing LaTeX
> commands to "paint" a document's appearance. 

Given the original poster wanted to import, write and edit, I think he just 
wanted an easier front end to the MSWord native format. That's definitely not 

MSWord's an excellent program, so why not just use that? I wouldn't want to 
write a book or a 30 page report in MSWord, but for shorter stuff  Word is just 

Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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