Hi, I'm about to write some documentation using LyX and metauml. For this purpose i put together a metapost converter which you find temporarily under the following URL: http://znerol.ch/files/mp2any.py
Usage: 1. Place the file somewhere in your LyX search-path, i.e. under $HOME/.lyx/scripts/mp2any.py 2. Add a file format for metapost in the preferences. Extension: mp 3. Add the following two converter entries in your LyX preferences: Metapost -> PDF (ps2pdf): $HOME/.lyx/scripts/mp2any.py $$i $$o Metapost -> PNG: $HOME/.lyx/scripts/mp2any.py $$i $$o 4. Apply and Save You now may use metapost files like every other image file. For example the following one: http://metauml.sourceforge.net/old/faq.html#Q1 I've tested the script under Mac OS X Leopard (BasicTex-2008) and under Debian/Lenny (texlive-metapost). For the conversion from PDF to PNG you have to make sure that "convert" (ImageMagick) is in your path. Cheers Lorenz