
if you feel familiar with LaTeX - make the Titlepage and some other stuff with LaTeX And when it works, us ERT to insert these frontmatters into your lyx document.



On Mon, 2 Nov 2009, Luca Carlon wrote:

Hi! I'm writing my thesis in LyX using the document class 'book'. This is very
good and I'd like not to change it. I need to insert a frontpage with some
informations, but I see this document class doesn't allow an abstract and some
other things, like the address. Thus I would need to insert a single page with a
different document class, like an AMS article. Is this possible? I tried to
include a LyX file written with this document class to have the frontpage, but I
get an error stating the included document has a different document class. Is
there any other way?


   Konrad Blum / kb...@uni-oldenburg.de / Tel. +49-441-798-3212

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