Roland Clobus wrote:
Hello all,

I’m wondering if someone encountered this situation before:

I’ve written a LyX document in language A, and now I want to have the same contents/images/layout/etc. in language B.

When something changes In the master document in language A, I would like to have minimal work to keep the translation to language B up-to-date.

I use document branches for this. A branch is an inset that can contain
anything (text, headings, lists, and so on) and it can be turned
on and off at will. A branch that is "on" will be output when you print, a branch that is "off" will not.

I have some documents with both Norwegian and English text. Norwegian paragraphs/headings then goes in a norwegian branch, English text in an english branch. Common stuff, such as figures, is not in any branch so they will always print.

To print for a particular language, I enable the corresponding language branch and disable the other.

You find branches under Document->Settings

Helge Hafting

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