Lyx? Latex? Annoyances.
For several months I'm searching for an answer to this:

"The layout file requested by this document,xxxxxxxxx.layout,
is not usable. This is probably because a LaTeX
class or style file required by it is not available. 
See the Customization documentation
for more information.
LyX will not be able to produce output."

You can find answer tentatives, no one with successful application. Void

It seems a simple problem. But no answer.
No matter if you're using annoying-windows or annoying-linux. The same
problem, the same no-anwer.

"This is probably because a LaTeX class or style file required by it is not
Wow! So simple? If this is the problem, so let we know, for:
xxxxx.layout --- what xxxxx.cls and xxxxx.sty are required and ...
where to find it, and wher to throw it whether in linux or windows and ...

The most inconceivable is why, when we download and install huge ammounts of
software and docs to install LYX and the need, infinite, support packs,
there is the lack of classes or styles!!! 

It should be a test of this (layout) features prior to distribute these

I'm writing because I'm intending to use and make other people use Latex in
a average-user reasonable amount of effort.
And because I'm hopping someone with more understanding will offer us the

Thank you.



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