On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Alex Fernandez <alejandro...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi folks,
> eLyXer is a LyX-to-HTML direct converter that can be used from within
> LyX. It came out of my own needs to publish both to PDF and HTML
> formats; LyX looked like a great fit for PDF but HTML export was
> rather poor. Thanks to the support of many LyX developers I published
> it for others to use; and unlike other similar tools it is actively
> maintained and getting better all the time.
> You have probably not heard from eLyXer for a long time (or at all)
> unless you are subscribed to the lyx-devel list. Well, in this
> interval it has improved a lot, as you can see in the change log for
> 0.38 (just released):
>  http://www.nongnu.org/elyxer/changelog.html
> It translates correctly most documents, even those with symbols and
> equations, and produces acceptable output for most uses. The official
> LyX documentation (User Guide, Math Guide and Embedded Objects Guide)
> can be converted with minimal loss of format and content. The future
> roadmap has a lot of interesting milestones like splitting the output
> by chapters or sections, or full conversion of the LyX documentation.
> If you want to try it out and you are on Debian testing you have it
> easy: eLyXer is just an
>  # apt-get install elyxer
> away. On Windows you can try the alternate installer, which has just
> been published recently for 1.6.5:
>  http://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/LyXWinInstaller
> It includes the latest version of eLyXer. On a different platform, or
> just to try out a particular version, just download it from the
> project download area:
>  https://savannah.nongnu.org/files/?group=elyxer
> and follow the instructions on the user guide:
>  http://www.nongnu.org/elyxer/userguide.html#toc-Subsection-1.2
> If you have a document which comes out all wrong please send it my
> way, either confidentially or lorem-ipsumized; I will do my best to
> make it work. Also send bug reports, feature requests and whatever
> crosses your mind. Thanks to you eLyXer is improving outside my
> (rather narrow) needs.
> Thanks,
> Alex Fernández.

Hey Alex,

Thanks for a fantastic tool! I use it to generate my book's output (see
here: http://www.erlangforskeptics.com/book/).


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