Thanks Paul.

I don't know what happened with this installation and why the other computer
survived for this upgrade (because it has no customized UI file also), but
it works like a charm now. :-)

Diego Queiroz

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Paul A. Rubin <> wrote:

> Diego Queiroz wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I am using Lyx 1.6.5 (the actual last version) on Windows XP SP3.
>> The problem is that the Math Toolbar and Math Panels Toolbar doesn't auto
>> unhide when I am editing a formula.
>> The same is happening when I am editing tables: the Table Toolbar does not
>> auto unhide.
>> I know I can hide/unhide them selecting the proper option on View >
>> Toolbars, but I prefer to only see these toolbars when needed.
>> The weird part is that this is happening only on the computer where I did
>> a
>> new install of Lyx (with no versions installed before).
>> The same issue didn't happened on other computers, where there was old
>> versions of Lyx installed and I just over installed the new version.
>> How can I restore the default option to auto hide/unhide these toolbars?
> The behavior of View > Toolbars ... seems to have changed.  It used to be
> that you could cycle any toolbar between on (always), off and auto. Now it
> seems that you can only force it on or back to its prior state (either off
> or auto).
> If you go to Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface and look at
> "User interface file:", you will see which UI file you're using (and, by
> browsing, where it lives.  You can edit it to add the auto-on feature.  In
> the Toolbars section, you want something like
>        "math_panels" "auto,math,bottom"
>        "math" "auto,math,bottom"
> to make the two math toolbars automatic (you can change 'bottom' to
> whichever side you want for them).  You might want to put the edited UI file
> in the ui directory of your local LyX files (usually C:\Documents and
> Settings\you\Application Data\lyx16\ui), and then point LyX at it, so that
> it survives future upgrades.  If you did this on the other machines, that
> could explain why the auto feature was on there -- although "out of the box"
> LyX 1.6.5 installed here with the math toolbars in auto mode, and no
> customized UI file.
> /Paul

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