Am 30.01.2010 23:21, schrieb jsl:

1. The title page has the title, a picture in a float and the author name.
These should all fit on one A4 page (easily). However Lyx's insists on
putting a page break after the title. How can I get all these elements on
one page.

I recommend to use a KOMA-script document class. Then use the option "titlepage". Attached is an example.

Note that the title image must not be a float but just the figure. Otherwise you image might float to another page than the title page.

2. In putting the image in a float I call up a caption for the image. How do
I not have a caption for the image?

You have 2 choices:
- don't use a float
- use a float but delete the caption

Later I will want to have captions that
are simply descriptive and don't have "Figure X" in the front of them. How
do I turn off the automatic numbering?

This is tricky because this is quite unusual when tpesetting. Have a look in the documentation of the LaTeX-package "caption" for a description how the numbering and label "Figure" can be suppressed.

regards Uwe

Attachment: TitlePageTest.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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