On 1 February 2010 17:37, Thomas Hedden <tho...@hedden.org> wrote:
> I am using Lyx 1.6.5 on Linux and want to apply, to some text, a character
> attribute that is variously referred to as "character spacing",
> "intercharacter spacing", "inter-character spacing", or merely "spacing",
> and possibly other names as well. When used on pairs of characters,
> it is also referred to as "kerning". This attribute is widely used in
> typography,
> and is available in both Microsoft Word and in OpenOffice.org Writer.
> When applied to some text, for example "test text", it could spread the
> text out like this "t e s t   t e x t". Of course this effect can be imitated
> as I did here, by inserting spaces between the letters. But doing this
> changes the text. That is, instead of "test text", it would then become
> "t[space]e[space]s[space]t[space][space][space]t[space]e[space]x[space]t".
> I find this unacceptable. I have searched in the user interface and the
> manual, and cannot find any information about this.
> A few cryptic posts I have read refer to a package called "soul", but it
> does not come up when I query for "lyx" in the package manager
> (using Fedora 11). I have also heard suggestions about writing a Latex
> script or something like that.
> Does anyone know whether this feature is supported and how to apply
> this attribute to text?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Tom
My first instinct is to ask why, since the underlying typesetting
engine kerns automatically? To quote one text "based on the kerning
pairs defined in the font metrics file"

Presumably you are trying to alter what LaTeX does by default.  You
could apparently alter these kerning pairs if that is what you want to
do for the whole document.  For odd cases you can use some ERT
(\kern+1pt) between letters - substitute unit as appropriate.

Otherwise look up documentation for LaTeX packages on CTAN (for
example soul: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/soul/


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