On 03/20/2010 09:23 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:
Hi all,

In no special order, things that I miss in lyx...

All of this is personal, but...

1. incremental search

Do you mean F3?

2. sentence autocapitalization

Hmm. Most of us hate that.

3. grammar check (not crucial)


4. search highlight occurences

You could file an enhancement request for this.

5. bold, color background on outline. A way for the eyes to fixate landmarks
in long outlines.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

6. edit history (go back to last edits). We seem to have only one step back?

You can go back a very long way.

7. the rest of the world operates on rich text/html. LyX doesn't (clipboard
integration is poor, copy-pasting from/to web loses formatting)

I'm not sure which rest of the world you have in mind, but I agree that LyX's external clipboard handling could be improved. We generally use plaintext for this, because no-one has cared enough to change it since it was implemented eons ago.

8. 'pasted from' and url for every paste from the web (onenote uses this and
it's damn inspired)

Don't understand this either.


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