On 28/03/2010 6:51 PM, Michael Joyner ᏩᏯ wrote:
Julien Rioux wrote:


What are you trying to accomplish?
I am trying to embed very short musical note sequences as tone/pitch
What have you tried?
Finally tried table cell -> minipage -> ERT:
(E/2F/2) G|

But, I have to manually set the width, which results in varying
different sizes... I really need to constrain by height  and let width
be auto adjusted, which is what I am trying to figure out how to finagle
at this point.
How does it "not work"?
If I don't use a mini-page I get:


Try typing <return> to proceed.

If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.


LyX:http://www.lyx.org/  OpenOffice:http://www.openoffice.org/
Inkscape:http://www.inkscape.org/  Scribus:http://www.scribus.net/
GIMP:http://www.gimp.org/  PDF:http://www.pdfforge.org/

Let's keep the discussion on the user list. Others can benefit from this. Some might even know how to solve your problem.

First what I did is that I made sure I have all the dependencies:

aptitude install texlive-music abcm2ps ps2eps epstopdf

Then I added the -shell-escape option to the LaTeX > DVI converter from within LyX, as you pointed out.

Now it works for simple examples inserted as ERT. You can set the width of the ABC snippet in ERT; consult the abc documentation to do this. Or, you can encapsulate it inside a Box and set the width there. I understand that being able to set the height would be better for small snippets. However, this seems to be a limitation of the abc package, so you could try contacting its maintainer.


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