Pardon me if this is a duplicate.  My first message sent days ago did
not seem to get to the list.   

I would like to save new spellcheck words in a personal dictionary. I
use a fresh install of Ubuntu 64 bit and Lyx 1.6.5. I have added a path
and filename (/home/mydic) in the tools|preferences|spellchecker|
personal dictionary box of Lyx.  If I spellcheck a document and Lyx
finds a new word, the mouse over message for the add button says "add to
personal dictionary". Everything seems to work fine, except that after I
close the document there is no file called mydic where I instructed Lyx
to put it (there is no file with that name anywhere on my computer).  So
where does Lyx put saved words?  And can I edit them?  

Related to this, I have a list of 50,000 or so medical words from
openmedspel that I would like to include in a lyx-accessible dictionary.
Is it reasonable to just put those words in my personal dictionary (once
I find it)?  Or do I need to compile an aspell file and put it in the
aspell folder?  Any suggestions/procedures would be very welcome.  

Thanks,  John  

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