On 05/20/2010 02:33 AM, Yannick Fournier wrote:

|>  a) Changing cross-references links of "subsubsection" to a
| nicer "section":
|>  Is there a command similar to the one for renaming figure
| captions (see
|>  below), in order to have for example "subsections"
| or "section
|>" instead of "subsubsections" ?
|>  \renewcommand{\f...@figure}{fig.~\thefigure}
| How are you getting the "subsubsection..." text? I just get
| numbers for
| references to subsubsections.

I simply use the standard option "<Reference>" and the associated "On Page
<On Page>". The formatted reference and the"<Reference>  On Page<On Page>"
do not work, but we have been knowing that for weeks.
I think that my problems comes from this preamble line, that I found
somewhere in a FAQ some months ago:

Ahh. In that case, \def\subsubsectionautorefname{Section} should do. See hyperref.sty.

|>  d) Capital letters for cross-reference links at beginning
| of sentences:
|>  When I make reference to a chapter at the beginning of a
| sentence, the
|>  cross-reference link is:
|>  "chapter 2 discusses blablabla....", instead of having a
| capital letter:
|>  "Chapter 2 discusses blablabla...."
|>  Can I correct that?
| Again, what are you using to get these cross-references? If I do a
| "formatted reference" to a chapter, I always get caps. If
| you're using
| memoir's Cref command, etc, then see the memoir manual for what to do.

\renewcommand\chaptername{Chapter} will get you caps all the time, if I'm not mistaken. So far as I know, there is no way to get them some of the time.

One more question I forgot to ask:
How do you reduce the vertical space, in itemize and enumerate listings,
between the first item and the preceeding paragraph? I tried the following
preamble commands with success only between item lines:

Try posting this question separately. I'm not sure about this.


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