I last used LyX in mid 2008, and only for one paper, so I
have limited experience with LyX.  Must say, the paper
came out better than I had expected, since I come from
a WYSIWYG background, instead of a WYSIWYM

Some here will perhaps recall that my previous experience
is with Ventura Publisher (starting with version 1 and ending
with version 10; all that were ever produced; damned be to
Corel for abandoning VP, but I digress).

Given that Corel has not maintained my preference in DTP
tool, I am finally taking the plunge, and will ever-more be
a LyX user.

This brings me to a current difficultly, some commentary
and a question or two.

I am trying to determine the proper place at which a .layout
file should be located.  In reviewing the LyX wiki online
documentation, I note the instructions saying:

    "To use the layouts, just copy the respective *.layout
     (and, if included, *.inc) files to the layouts folder of
     your user directory <http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/UserDir> (if the folder
doesn't exist yet,
     create it) and then reconfigure LyX (Tools→Reconfigure)."

Following this advice, I checked to see where the User
Directory should be placed, and for the operating system
I use (Windows Vista Home Premium) the instructions are
that the path to the user directory will be of the form:

    < c:\users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\LyX16\>

This seems to me to be in error, since within the above
given path there are subdirectories, including this one:

    < .\Resources\layout>

which seems to me the more appropriate place to which
.layout files should be placed, since that directory includes
a long list of other .layout files.

    "The layout file you have selected is a local layout
      file, not one in the system or user directory.  Your
      document may not work with this layout if you do
      not keep the layout file in the document directory."

There is here then inconsistent language usage; the difference
being between the words "user directory" and "document directory."

Which is it?  Where exactly should .layout files be located?  And,
why is the language given in the product not consistent with the
language given in the Wiki and the documentation?

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

William R. Buckley

Equipment used - Toshiba with 2GB and an AMD Turion 64.
OS used - Windows Vista Home Premium with service pack 2.

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