Now LyX is making my spacing inconsistent in places (making it single
instead of double) to keep my section spacing consistent.  Is there a way I
can fix that too?

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Mike Martell <>wrote:

> Thanks, Richard.  This worked and now my spacing is consistent.  Thanks so
> much!
> Mike
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Richard Heck <> wrote:
>>  On 6/24/10 10:37 PM, Mike Martell wrote:
>> Do I place this at the top of the document?  The spacing in the document
>> doesn't change.  I tried at the top and in one of the sections whose spacing
>> was inconsistent.
>>  It has to go in the LaTeX preamble. You also have to wrap it in
>> "\makeatletter" at the beginning and "\makeatother" at the end.
>> The specific command I suggested won't do what you want. You'll have to
>> adjust the spacing and the font commands that format the heading. But you
>> should actually be able to get those values from the class file. That is, if
>> you have using thesis.cls, then in that file somewhere you will find
>> something like:
>> \newcommand\sectio...@startsection {section}{1}...@}%
>>                                    {-3.5ex \...@plus -1ex \...@minus -.2ex}%
>>                                    {2.3ex \...@plus.2ex}%
>>                                    {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}}
>> (This is taken from article.cls.) The six arguments to \...@startsection
>>     (i)   set the name of the division (section)
>>     (ii)  set the "level" in the hierarchy of divisions (so chapter is 0)
>>     (iii) set the indent for headings (zero, in this case, using the macro
>> \z@)
>>     (iv)  set the space above the heading
>>     (v)   set the space below the heading
>>     (vi)  declare any commands that should be used to set the heading; in
>> this case, it is large and bold
>> As for (iv) and (v), these are what LaTeX calls "rubber lengths" and the
>> second means: Add 2.3 exes of space, and optionally add up to 0.2 exes, if
>> necessary to fix page breaks, etc. The former means: Add 3.5 exes of space,
>> optionally adding up to 1 ex and optionally subtracting up to 0.2exes; the
>> minus is a hack that means: suppress the indentation of the first paragraph
>> following this heading. So that is why the spacing can be inconsistent:
>> LaTeX is being told it can alter the spacing before a section heading by
>> almost a third.
>> What I did was just copy and paste this command, making it a \renewcommnd,
>> and then remove the rubber bits. You can do the same.
>> Btw, if this doesn't solve the problem, then the issue probably has to do
>> with float placement. But we can come back to that.
>> Richard
>> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Richard Heck <> wrote:
>>>  On 06/24/2010 09:22 PM, Mike Martell wrote:
>>>> Hi:
>>>> I'm trying to finish formatting my dissertation to submit to the
>>>> library.  I'm using a thesis class.  My output has the spacing between text
>>>> and sections, and text and subjections, to vary throughout the 
>>>> dissertation.
>>>>  I need the spacing to be consistent.  After searching the list archive and
>>>> some tutorials, I tried inserting \raggedbottom to the top of my diss, but
>>>> this does not fix the problem.
>>>> Is there a way to fix this?
>>>>   This is normal. LaTeX varies the spacing as the needs of page
>>> breaking require, just as is done in books and articles. If you need it to
>>> be constant, then do something along the lines of:
>>>    \renewcommand\sectio...@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}%
>>>        {-3.5ex}{2ex}%
>>>        {\normlfont\Large\bfseries}%
>>> The semantics of the \...@startsection command are explained here:
>>> and elsewhere.
>>> rh

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