I'm working on a dissertation with my colleges thesis.cls and I'm having a
problem including graphics.  If I don't include them and compile to pdf
everything works great.  If I include a graphic (whether jpg, png, bmp, or
eps) I get an error saying "Cannot Determin Size of Graphic in " ...  It
will create the DVI fine and everything will look correct but I can't create
a pdf.  Also if I use another class like article it will work fine.  I'm
using Lyx 1.6.7 on a Windows XP x64 machine.  It seems like
the relevant section of the .cls that redefines the \Figure command is here
but I'm not experience enough to make heads or tails of it so any help would
be greatly appreciated.  I'm also including the .cls and a test document I
made.  I works fine until I place any graphic into the float.

%%%figure definitions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\...@figure{htbp} %%%%%MSU thesis%%%%%
%MSU%%%special commands to support MSU style figures
\DeclareRobustCommand*{\Figureref}[1]{Figure~\ref{fig:#1}} %at start of
   \includegraphics[width=#2]{#1.eps}  %%%MSU 5/17/07%%%epsf is obsolete

Attachment: test.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: msuthesis.cls
Description: Binary data

Attachment: msuthesis.layout
Description: Binary data

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