Richard Heck <rgheck <at>> writes:

> On 07/30/2010 03:09 AM, soltrino wrote:
> > Hi, I can't solve this problem which is becoming quite frustrating.
> > I'm using JabRef to reference in my thesis, using Natlib and agsm (have
> > tried other formats too). I need to have the (author, year) format
> > in the document.
> > When I do it, looks fine in the LyX version, but when I convert it to PDF or
> > PDI files, it appears as (? ), although the reference list is perfect.
> > Can't find the reason, and would really appreciate any help.
> >
> >    
> Almost every time this comes up, the reason is the same: Unicode in the 
> BibTeX file, usually in some author name that has been cut and pasted 
> from the web. *BibTeX cannot handle Unicode.* Sometimes it will work, 
> but only by sheer luck. Try opening the file in a text editor and then 
> saving it in ISO-8859-1 format.
> Richard
Thanks, tried this and worked... just for the PDI format, it goes back to (?) 
when converting it to PDF, and don't even include a ref list now!
Sorry, but what can be it?

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