Am 14.08.2010 17:55, schrieb Byung-Joo Lee:

I am using Lyx 1.6.5 in WinXp. I found a strange behavior when Lyx converts
documents into pdf files. I am using document style book (koma) with AMS
math package. I have compiled one with PDF hyperref support enabled using
Document->Settings->PDF Properties to produce document Example1.pdf (left
side), and uncheck the hyperref support to produce Example2.pdf (right
side). Every other setups are exactly the same. Strangely, Example1.pdf has
extra space between equations like (2.5)-(2.6), (2.7)-(2.8), etc.

You found a bug in the LaTeX-package hyperref or the package amsmath:

Take the attached LyX file and you get the problem you described. To fix this, there are 3 possibilities:

- delete the document class option "fleqn"
  (in Document Settings -> Document Class)
- remove the document preamble line "\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}"
- remove the document preamble line "\usepackage{hyperref}"
- uncheck the option "Use AMS math package"
  (in Document Settings -> Math Options)

It took me some time to track down the problem and I'm still not sure what package is causing it. I'll report this now as bug in the hyperref package and report back what the hyperref maintainer replied.

regards Uwe

Attachment: hyperref-theorem-spacing-bug.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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