On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Uwe Stöhr <uwesto...@web.de> wrote:
> Am 24.10.2010 22:05, schrieb Venable:
>> First, I would like to include a boldface arrow. LyX allows me to
>> select Edit - Math - Text Style - Math Bold Series, and I can see in
>> the LaTeX source window that the markup is being applied (i.e.
>> \mathbf{\downarrow}), but when I export to PDF the arrow is not
>> discernibly bold.
> You have to use \boldsymbol as described in sec. 11.2 "Bold Formulas" of the
> Math manual that you find in LyX's Help menu.
>> Second, I would like to know if there is a way to produce a negated
>> diagonal arrow that uses a scalable font. There is a \nsearrow symbol
>> in the mnsymbol package, but this appears to be a bitmap font and
>> therefore quite ugly.
> You can negate everything using \not. So in your case type:
> \not\searrow
> (described in sec. 3.6 "Negations" of the Math manual)
> regards Uwe

Thank you, those both work beautifully -- and without the need for an
extra package!

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