Could provide an actual sample/step-by-step on the wiki and/or posted here?

I would much prefer to use the standard fonts for everything except Cherokee
UNICODE, at which point I need to use:

   - Normal Cherokee: Digohweli
   - Bold Cherokee: Aboriginal Serif or fake bold Digohweli
   - Italic Cherokee: Aboriginal Sans or a fake italic Dighweli

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 3:40 AM, Guenter Milde <>wrote:

> On 2010-11-10, Michael Joyner wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Walter <> wrote:
> >>  IMHO, the best possible solution for documents with heavy use of
> >> multilingual text would seem to be a combination of this type of
> >> solution (character styles with font associations), and automatic
> >> unicode block-based input classification.   This would enable LyX to
> >> automatically change the default, available and/or recommended styles
> >> based on what kind of character was input.
> > What is needed is something like
> > so that
> > fonts are *autoselected* based on UNICODE range unless otherwise
> > overridden.
> In my view, the better approch is autoselection of the the *language*
> (which you should set anyway for proper hyphenation and typography):
> * have a GUI option for secondary languages and associated Unicode-range
>  or script,
> * let LyX change the text language based on the used script.
> Of course, this auto-language feature only works for languages using
> different scripts like English and Russian, but not English and German.
> However, in the second case the need for a font switch is less likely.
> Then, the language package (babel or polyglossia) can select the
> appropriate font.
> BTW: using the language package to select the font is already possible
>     right now with some LaTeX-preamble code.
>     All you have to do is setting the text language (it helps to bind
>     often used languages to a key-combo).
> With XeTeX, disable "babel" in Tools>Settings>Language and follow the
> advise in polyglossia.pdf:
>  With polyglossia it is possible to associate a specific font with any
>  script or language that occurs in the document. That font should always
>  be defined as \⟨script⟩font or \⟨language⟩font. For instance, if the
>  default roman font defined by \setromanfont does not support Greek, then
>  one can define the font used to display Greek with:
>                 \newfontfamily\greekfont[⟨options⟩]{⟨font⟩}.
>  See the fontspec documentation for more information.
>  Whenever a new language is activated, polyglossia will first check
>  whether a font has been defined for that language or – for languages in
>  non-Latin scripts – for the script it uses. If it is not defined, it
>  will use the currently active font and will attempt to turn on the
>  appropriate OpenType tags for the script and language used, in case
>  these are available in the font, by means of fontspec’s
>  \addfontfeature. If the current font does not appear to support the
>  script of that language, an error message is displayed.
> Günter


   - Learn to speak Cherokee:
   - Cherokee Language Help BBS/Chat:
   - Cherokee Lessons PDF made with:

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