
I have compiled lyx 2 before by using svn. 
Now I want to update it and used 
svn update 
according to http://www.lyx.org/HowToUseSVN point 5
there were conflicts discovered in po/xx.po files 
which I postponed, because I did not know what else to do.
Does anybody know?

I am also wondering what I have to do next. 

Is this the stable module, which I downloaded?
How do I find out?

in this case I guess I have to do
 ./autogen.sh, ./configure, make, and sudo make install
(using stow in the make install, which I used before). 

If it is the development module
it is:
, things are somewhat more complicated than for the release module. You're 
going to need automake, autoconf, and gettext, which can be downloaded from 
your favorite GNU ftp site. (Start at gnu.org to find a mirror.) Once you've 
installed all of that stuff, just run the autogen.sh script written by Allan 
Rae, which will do things in the right order, and then tell you to run 
configure and make. 


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