Hello everybody,
I'm a novice LyX/TeX user. Did any of you manage to get the algorithm2e
package to work in LyX? I tried to copy the module and follow the
instructions in [1], but it didn't work at first; I did a few changes to the
module, which now looks like this:

#\DeclareLyXModule[algorithm2e.sty]{algorithm2e float}
# Wrapper for the algorithm2e environment
#Author: phbaer (many thanks to Chris)

Format 11

Requires algorithm2e


    Type algorithm
    GuiName Algorithm2e
    Placement tbp
    Extension loa
    NumberWithin none
    Style plain
    ListName "List of Algorithms"
    LaTeXBuiltin false

But now my algorithms have the string "Algorithm2e 1" prepended to the
caption, instead of "Algoritmo 1" (my native language is Portuguese).
I am interested in using this package because it can generate a localized
list of algorithms and also localized captions.
Would anybody happen to have a working module? I'm running LyX 1.6.8 with
MiKTeX 2.9 on Windows.

[1] http://phbaer.net/2009/09/09/algorithm2e-module-for-lyx



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