Dear Lyxers
I am using Lyx 1.6.7, Book Class, on openSUSE 11.1. I want to convert
the standard two-column Index behavior to achieve balanced columns on
the last Index page.( that is, from a single column down the left-hand
side of the page with an empty column the right-hand side, to two
columns of equal length reaching approxmimately half-way down the page).

I have searched and found the following advice and code.
Load the multicol package.


Enter code in ERT just before the Index label

%change the index environment to achieve balanced columns on last page

This code is pasted from the Internet but not for the Lyx Book Class;
although the code appears in several places in almost indentical form.
It does not throw up an error, not does it have any effect on the Index;
but it does mess up the following page by moving a float picture. So
there is some interaction, but not that desired. There is one small
additional effect -- the word Index in normal font appears at the end of
the Index.

Would anyone explain how this approach can be made to work?

Thanks for your expertise.

Kind Regards,

-- Clive Libotte, IEng. MInstMC.

Tel: 08 9403 0129
Mob: 043 571 5607

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